Murray Sticker - Proceeds to his chemo fund!

$7.00 - $25.00

My sweet cat Murray was diagnosed with cancer this past August. He's only six years old and yet developed a mast cell tumor associated with his small intestine (the riskiest place this kind of cancer can be). Surgery seemed to be risky, as he would need his intestine cut and sewn back together, so we opted for chemotherapy. We were told Murray was essentially "walking on a tightrope" when it came to his recovery. For the most part, the chemo has been extremely successful!!

Murray is still needing more chemo until he reaches remission, and medical care for him has already been very expensive. I've made these stickers, where all proceeds will directly towards his medical bills!

And more than anything else, please send good thoughts towards Murray's full recovery and that this tumor stays away forever once gone!!!

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Dimensions- ~2.5X3inches
Material- Vinyl / Waterproof
Shipping- included in price
Printed with TinyPress- https://tinypress.neocities.org